Jtests LLC is a multinational biotechnology company based in San Diego well known for R&D and fully personalizable medical diagnostic products. Founded in 2006, Jtests focuses primarily on active material development and medical device marketing through world-class research, development, manufacturing and operations teams.

We have fully internalized our supply chain ranging from active materials to customizable rapid tests. This sets us apart from other biotechnology supply companies. Our team has successfully developed both active materials and rapid tests for biochemistry, immunoassay, POCT, fertility, drug abuse, infectious disease, tumor marker, and cardiac marker products. This range of medical and research products, currently in high demand for utilization in hospitals, laboratories and private use, are reliable and competitively priced. Together, we can help you reach your medical and research goals through innovation, accountability, compliance, communication and teamwork. 

Jtests’ production base, located in Bao Ruiyuan Industrial Park, China, contains a GMP, ISO certified factory with full-scale production line and supporting facilities. The current production line provides products for over 100 countries, with millions of users worldwide. In China, our products are manufactured under the name Ruyun®, Hongxia®, Jingshi®, which hold a strong market share in the area.

Jtests LLC has earned a reputation of excellence globally with our superior service and quality. Guided by the Jtests mission, “Perfect Quality, Sincere Service, Standardized Management and Promoting Innovation”, we aim to be a leading medical device  company worldwide. 

analysis, biochemistry, biologist
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Jtests is part of CorDx Union,
a Global Innovator in Biotechnology and Beyond

CorDx Union is a global biotechnology power that delivers solutions in healthcare, energy, AI quality management, and other innovative industries. From life’s conception to its completion, CU aims to provide end-to-end support through complete supply chain resources and services. Jtests is part of CorDx Union (CU) totaling 21 subsidiaries under the CU umbrella. 

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